Journal Policies

Publication Policies

  • To ensure the best practice of the research and publication, LBR makes sure that the submitted/accepted manuscripts undergo plagiarism detection software. It is advised to the authors to read the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines and abide by publication ethics practices.
  • We also are committed to the integrity of LBR, hence if an article is found to have plagiarized content beyond the standardized accepted limit or the required permission is not obtained by the author for any copyrighted material from the third – party, or any insufficient acknowledgment is not expressed for the information included from the source, LBR has all the right to take necessary/legal action against such submissions.

Post Acceptance

  • Manuscripts accepted for publication shall not be published anywhere else in any language. Post acceptance of the manuscripts, the corresponding author and the co-authors will be asked to submit the copyright transfer agreement form to Lloyd Business School.
  • If the corresponding author needs to add/delete / or rearrange the authors, he/she can request the chief editor of LBR by providing a reason for doing so along with the consent letter of the other authors of the manuscript. This can be availed and will be entertained by LBR after acceptance and before the publication of the manuscripts online. Once the manuscript is published online, any request of such kind will not be entertained.
  • The chief editor reserves all rights to deciding on any addition/deletion or the rearrangement of the authors and this will be entirely based upon the reason provided by the corresponding author of the manuscript.
  • The communication regarding the status of the submitted manuscript will be done preferably via email to the corresponding author of the manuscript.
  • Once the laid protocol for the publication is written and submitted by the author(s), the corresponding author will be emailed regarding the proofreading along with the detailed instructions and the concerned author(s) is solely responsible for the proofreading of the submitted/accepted manuscript. Further procedures related to the publication of the research article will be withheld until LBR receives the response from the author(s) related to any correction(s) / modifications intended to be done.
  • It is requested that the authors make any request at the earliest for the quick and hassle-free completion of the publication. The author(s) need to provide the reason for any alteration made in the accepted manuscript at the time of proofreading and this has to be done in a single communication. Requests for any kind of modification and alteration will be entertained entirely based on the reason provided for any such request made while proofreading.
  • Post successful publication of the article, the author(s) will receive the notification for the same and one printed version of the journal containing the published article of the author. In case they want to avail an extra copy of the same, they can request LBR by paying an additional printing and the postage cost. Author(s) will be given the right to distribute their piece of work solely for non-commercial purposes.

Peer-review Policy

  • Every submitted manuscript is supervised primarily by the editor-in-chief and is then sent to two individual reviewers. This way each submission passes through a scrupulous double-blind peer-review process where both the author and the reviewer remain anonymous to one another. The decision on the submitted manuscript is aimed to be done within one month of the submission. The submitted manuscript will be rejected/ accepted or accepted with certain correction(s). The publication of the manuscript will lie entirely on the recommendations of the reviewers. The editor/editorial board of the journal is the main deciding factor for any acceptance of the manuscript. Once the manuscript is accepted it will be put in queue for publication and the author(s) will be informed about the status of their submitted manuscript via mail.
  • Authors of the accepted manuscript will be mailed an acceptance letter which contains all the detailed instructions for completing the pre-publication formalities such as transfer of copyright by filling the copyright form duly signed and scanned by the author(s).

Copyright Agreement Policy

  • Before publication, LBR mandates the author(s) of the manuscript to sign the publishing agreement for the transfer of the copyright to Lloyd Business School. This would imply that the author will have copyright in their piece of work but is now granting rights and licensing exclusively to LBR for publishing and the full legal term of the copyright.
  • It is to be kept in mind that the submitted article should not have any unlawful or derogatory remarks that might be potentially hurting any country/ region or race’s sentiments. The submission should be purely original and is not being considered for publication anywhere else. In case of breach of the copyright agreement policy, the author(s) agree to compensate/indemnify Lloyd Business School for the damage of its integrity.